Roundtable: Successfully navigating the V24 to V28 shift

Expert Insights for Risk Adjustment Success

Managing the V24 to V28 risk adjustment model shift requires careful planning and a workable action plan for MA plans. Without these components, payers could experience revenue loss, provider abrasion and an inability to effectively close care gaps.  

Invent Health recently hosted a roundtable discussion featuring industry experts detailing:


  • The components of the shift and the rationale for updating from V24 to V28 
  • The impacts health plans can anticipate 
  • What steps plans need to take to successfully manage this transition with as little disruption as possible 


In less than 20 minutes, you’ll get the insight you need and actionable next steps to ensure your plan can successfully navigate this shift, enable RAF score accuracy and revenue integrity, reduce provider burden and drive care gap closure.

Our Speakers

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Rohit Bhardwaj

CEO & Founder


Siva Tunga

Chief Product Officer

Ishimatsu Headshot June

Mark Ishimatsu

Lead Healthcare Advisor

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